Sweet Sixteen

Happy birthday to my brother and me! I don’t know the exact date of our birth, but this is close enough. We were abandoned as kittens, left in a cardboard box in the parking lot of the Calgary zoo. A kindhearted couple found a box with four cats; a mother and three kittens. Two of […]

Chasing the ball

My person and I spent the last few weeks together having some quality Us Time, watching people chase a ball around and around on the screen. I can really get into this, especially the goal tender part of it. You wait and watch the ball, and when it’s coming toward you, you catch it with […]

Nice try

Cats recognise their owners’ voices but never evolved to care, says study Stuff like this always makes me laugh. And there’s probably a study that says that cats don’t laugh. I think this is my favourite part, “The study concludes by observing that “the behavioural aspect of cats that cause their owners to become attached […]

Much of a muchness

So much to do, and so little time. Isn’t that always the way! First of all, apologies to people who’ve written me to ask if everything’s okay because I haven’t posted in a few weeks. I want to assure you that everything’s as right as rain, which there’s been no shortage of. But it has […]

Ain’t misbehavin’

I know you’re thinking, so, Sam, spring has sprung and you must want to get out and shake the litter off your paws and roam the ‘hood. But I’ve always been a homebody. Not because I don’t have great intellectual curiosity, but because I know that there’s no place like home. Bon fin de semaine, […]