Sunday baking

DSC_1545smSunday is supposed to be a day of rest, but I was quite busy, supervising my person who was whipping up a big batch of cupcakes for a bake sale for the Games for Hope/Les jeux d’espoir.

Although this is a sporting event, she is not a very sporty person. Something to do with being nearsighted and stuck in the outfield in Grade 7 baseball, while wearing gym bloomers. So she compensates by making baked good to sell.

DSC_1559smI helped out by keeping a close eye on the proceedings from a place where I could sun myself, and not make my person too nervous by being obvious about overseeing her.

I give the seal of approval to these cupcakes.

DSC_1560smIt was a lot more work than I’d signed up for, so a nap was in order. I trust that the icing is properly done.

Maybe I’ll jump on the counter later to sniff them.

My person was worried about how she’s going to transport 40 iced cupcakes to the office tomorrow morning during rush hour on public transit, until I gave her the brilliant idea of covering the flats from my Wellness cat food in foil wrap. I’m happy that I was able to make this essential contribution to such a worthwhile event.

2 thoughts on “Sunday baking

  1. Beautiful! And seems to be a very fine fundraising cause. Did Sam (is that Sam?) jump directly up to that cupboard or was he hoisted by a crane (the bird)?


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